Hypnotherapy, Psychotherapy

Welcome to The Calm Hypnotist: Anxiety and Insomnia Relief Specialist.

Struggling with ANXIETY and all its related issues?

Insomnia? Panic? Social fear? IBS?

Are your close Relationships full of stresses and dramas? 

Are you Burnt out at Work? Finding Creativity & Productivity challenging?

You may have tried using breathing methods or distraction techniques. You may have tried grounding or had various ‘talk’ therapies, but been frustrated at getting limited or no success. So, you may be wondering: 

“Is anything going to work for me?”

Taking control of your Anxiety – Taking Back control of YOU:

Many of my previous clients have told me how they felt like this, and how they’d just accepted, ‘it is what it is’. They’d given up on change. They’d given up on hope, and simply expected that Anxiety to always be a big part of their every day lives.

Even on the “good days” some would be in a constant state of worry that it would ‘show up’ and ruin things.

Anxiety support
Insomnia & Anxiety specialist

Are You ready for Change?

I don’t need to tell you how “some” people can find themselves spending a whole lifetime stuck in that unhappy cycle of Anxiety and Stress and Emotional Fatigue dominating every area of their lives.

And they end up adopting unhealthy coping mechanisms and comfort addictions, battling insomnia, and relying upon avoidance strategies just to get through day to day life.


That’s NOT what you want for You. Right?

Joel DavidsonJoel Davidson
11:22 29 Jun 22
Amazing. recently I’ve been struggling a lot with anxiety and overall my mental health but James Taught me that the way I’m feeling isn’t always negative and if anything it’s because It loves you and is trying to protect you and there’s ways to deal with it and that your never alone. I already feel more relaxed and calm and I now feel in control of my emotions. Definitely recommend to anyone who needs the help.
19:07 28 Sep 20
James was recommended to us to help support my 8 year old daughter with overcoming a fear, which was making her life (and ours) increasingly difficult.James was gentle, understanding and actively listened to her feelings and responses. He quickly gained her trust and his approach made everything fun. She has made incredible steps forward remembering and using those strategies James has given her. We are very grateful to him. THANK YOU!
Alexander RobertsonAlexander Robertson
14:45 24 Jun 20
James Marsh is a great coach. Not only did he reach me a new technique to use when I feel things are getting too much but every time I speak to him you can tell he genuinly cares and wants to help people. James is great at making the complex things easy to understand. He is great at what he does and I would highly recommend anyone to use him and his services. He's not only a great professional but a humble person too.
Miles GregoryMiles Gregory
10:31 23 Jun 20
I have a few anxiety problems and some PTSD issues that make me panic in open spaces and interacting with people. James has a very calm demeanor that put me at ease and a wealth of knowledge of how to take the panic away. He also gave me a few techniques to use when I feel stressed on my own to get me back to a comfortable feeling. Very friendly and helpful and actually listens to what you're saying. Definitely recommend.
James has been a constant source of encouragment not only to myself but to others.A good coach that walks through walk and talks the talk is rare but if you are looking for a coach that does that and know has your back and best interests then I cannot reccomend James enough.If you are not sure if he can help just ask and either way great support is guarenteed.

Getting help, guidance and support through a proven system is a smart move. 

You already know how emotionally draining it can be dealing with Insomnia and Anxiety and Stress on your own. Others find it hard, if not impossible to understand or relate to your experience, and very few people ‘get’ how much extra strain those issues have already put on your relationships and the impact they have on your mental health.

It’s those thoughts, worries and fears which lead to Avoidance Strategies. To not leaving the house, to not showing up for that interview, to avoiding intimacy, to not competing, to not talking to people, to not expressing your talents or advocating for yourself.

Insomnia help hypnosis

As an Anxiety and Insomnia specialist I’ve spent years Helping people to overcome their Anxiety, to solve their underlying stress, recover from those emotional wounds and traumas, build their inner confidence and discover how peaceful and fulfilling life can actually be.

It’s not only about Empowering You with the clarity and the Inner Confidence to enjoy life fully, but also to give you the skills, the insight and the emotional management techniques so that Anxiety and Insomnia are never a problem for you again.

I’m available for online Hypnotherapy (via Zoom) or for in-person sessions in Bournemouth. 

To begin, please get in touch. Click the link to arrange a introduction call where we can discuss your exact needs and create a plan to achieve them.

You can also chat to me on Facebook @thecalmhypnotist or email me directly with any question at: thecalmhypnotist@gmail.com

Anxiety Specialist Hypnotherapy bournemouth