A Mindful Moment.
I left the supermarket with a trolley (cart) full of shopping. Already running late as supermarket had been uncomfortably busy, so I had been held up going through the checkouts. Walking across the car park I noticed how the wind had picked up to a blustery swirl, and found myself battling to guide the trolley while keeping hold of the shopping bags.
Finally got to my car, which was parked on a slope, and then …
Somewhere between holding onto bags, balancing shopping, not dropping my face mask, stopping the trolley from blowing away, and lifting the lid of my car boot (trunk) things became a little hectic…
There was too much movement, too much unpredictability and uncertainty. The trolley kept rolling away, and I couldn’t quite hold onto it and do everything else at the same time…
I might have lost my temper, or let frustration get the better of me; shook my fists at the sky and started cussing and swearing…
Instead I took a breath in, noticed the moment.
Centered my attention.
Breathed out.
Became aware of the situation. Reminded myself I was calm and capable.
A moment later, I simply nudged one of the trolley wheels with my foot, turning it at a 90º angle from the others, so it wouldn’t run away…a simple touch which freed my hands and eliminated my problem…
Wow, I thought to myself, that was skillful…so elegant…
As I turned back to my car, lost in admiration of my own Zen-like self-mastery, I bumped my head on the half open boot lid!!
And that’s a lesson for me…